
About me.

I’m Anna Tsalapatanis.


I am a Lecturer in Sociology and Social Policy at University College London. My research interests include access to justice, migration studies, digital disadvantage, bureaucracy and identity. My most recent projects include Designing for Inclusion, which involved working on a design guide with advice sector organisations, as well as Supporting Online Justice, a project where we worked in partnership with HM Courts and Tribunals Service to design guidance films for lay users of online hearings. This project was recently awarded a University of Oxford VC’s Innovation and Engagement Award.

My work is interdisciplinary and largely empirical, using bottom-up qualitative methods to understand issues. I have taught in the fields of Anthropology, Sociology, Geography, Law, Migration and Globalisation Studies. I received my PhD in Sociology from the Australian National University and a Masters’ Degree in Southeastern European Studies from the University of Athens.